Spring Blossoms
Hot on the tail of the infamous Yellow Dust from China, the latest annual phenomena to hit Korea is the annual blooming of the cherry blossoms. Maybe I haven't seen the last of the Dust yet, but so far it seems more like a menace to car windshields than human lungs.

I've been wielding my own photographic katana this week, taking pictures with my new camera. I've even been taking a few shots of things I've seen before, but now from new angles with new lighting and things I simply couldn't do well before.

Incidentally, I never thought I'd be lucky enough to catch an image of a cougarwolf (completely made up term, don't bother Google-ing it) caged right below the Easter Bunny. Then again, I guess I never expected to see used car parts sold street-side next to jewelry, live chickens, and pornography, but Korea can change such expectations.

I like showing someone around this place. It's like I can take my year here and turn it into a week long presentation of the best of what I've found. Food, drink, shopping, and I guess a few sights (if you're the boring old type who likes to take pictures and such). It's a delicious place Korea, and I think I'll miss the sticky taste of smog and rice in my mouth when I finally leave it.
Showing someone else how cool the place can be just reminds me of it. I've gotta overload on as much of this place while I still can. Mike clearly missed it, as you can see from the image of him staring in painful awe of the plastic food advertising a castle-themed restaurant. You can practically see him mouthing the words "I can't wait to get paid..." as he basks in the florescent glow of the display shelf.
In my photo-happy travels I always come across a few hilariously strange images. Not the least of which is this potentially innocuous (but who knows) subway ad for a donkey show. Well, not just any donkey show, but The Donkey Show, nonetheless. Then there's a moderately clever sign for Floppy Disko, which is really neither here nor there.
I wish I could take credit for the picture of fish flopping helplessly on the road, but that was actually from a Korea Press Association exhibit at City Hall. Even if they probably were the result of massive flooding, roadfish are funny enough for me.
Speaking of plagues, I hear that it was Easter this week. So what better way to celebrate than for me to crucify some poor kid for his honest attempts as learning English?

I mean, overall, the diary isn't that bad for a kid of about nine or so. But really, the line "The Jeus is rising again" makes me laugh too hard. It sounds an awful lot like the tag for a bad horror movie sequel to me.
Jeus 2: The Revenge?
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